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Structural principle and characteristics of brushless motor

2024/04/01 10:38:40

The brushless DC motor is composed of a permanent magnet rotor, a multipole winding stator, a position sensor, etc. The brushless motor adopts the electronic switching direction, the coil remains motionless, and the magnetic pole rotates. Position sensing according to the change of the rotor position, along a certain order of the current stator winding converter (i. e., detect the rotor magnetic pole relative stator winding position, and in the position sensing signal, after the signal conversion circuit processing to control the power switch circuit, according to a certain logical relationship for winding current switch). The working voltage of the stator winding is provided by the electronic switch circuit controlled by the output of the position sensor. Using the electronic circuit, timely switch the direction of the current in the coil to ensure the generation of magnetic force in the right direction to drive the motor.


Thermo: professional provide micro DC brushless water pump, water pump using brushless motor mechanism, with the following characteristics: 1. No electric brush, with low interference 2. Low noise and smooth operation 3. Long life span, and low maintenance costs 4. High precision rotor, long life and reliable performance 5. Adopt closed design, more efficient 6.Lower power consumption, superior diving performance

THERMO (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.

Address:5th Floor,Building 3,NO.455,Er Huan South Road,Tong an District, Xiamen City


E-mail: amy@auto-thermo.cn


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